Thursday, May 26, 2011

Press the Button, Nathaniel Hawthorne, and EMA!

"Press the Button", 8.5'x 11', Pencil, 2006

I drew this in my 10th grade English class. I hated that class. Our teacher was oddly obsessed with Nathaniel Hawthorne. She had a picture of the man in her classroom and god forbid you diss the Scarlet Letter. But any who I doodled most of the time in that class and this is one of those doodles. I like it. It is simple and bland, but I feel it still possess a lot of tension. And pencil medium adds some almost ghostly feel to the piece.  

Here is a really cool song I heard on KEXP recently. EMA's Grey Ship is a nifty little tune that really builds up, and subtly gives deeper and heavier. This is the first time I've listen to these guys and will def be checking them out in the near future.

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