Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Another sketch, Lord Huron and very chill

Another sketch from 2007, when I was really feeling colorful. You may recognize the plane from "Peace Bombs", I used the same plane design. It was just for fun and I like the effect that the colors give the image. I will play with these in future projects I'm sure. Reverting back to my earlier creative processes and such, I know I'll have fun with it.
Great song by Lord Huron that makes me want to fast forward the rest of the semester and get to summer. I will be taking summer classes and working so it won't be to much different but I'm so ready for a change. But the tune just churns up those thoughts. Very positive, very chill.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Patty's Day, Chillwave and John McCauley

Happy Patty's Day! Feeling like a chill day so I'm throwing up some chillwave jams. Love this holiday but I'll probably won't get to celebrate to too much due to school getting crazy this time of the semester. But I'll do my part for sure.

This isa sketch I did of John McCauley, the lead singer from Deer Tick. Based it off of a image I found on the internet of him but made it my own and played with color. Had a good time making it, listened to War Elephant so many times through.

Color pencils, 2009

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent, Folking Folk, and Whateves

Hey y'all, Happy Lent! I was raised Catholic and still practice lent. I have always given up candy, that was the one the parents pushed, but now a days I don't eat any candy except the candy my mom gives me once or twice a semester....ironic huh. So, candy will be easy. I'm also giving up pop, this one will be hard but I really need to cut it out...soda is so bad for you yet so delicious. I didn't drink any on fat Tuesday, but now I'm craving me a Sun Drop, hardcore...guess I'll wait till Patty's day to guzzle down a 12 pack. I don't know if it is a Catholic thing or my family's thing but on St. Patty's we count it as a freebie and cheat on whatever we gave up. Religion is a funny thing. Okay, I'm also cutting out red meat, really this is just to see if I can do it. I'm a meat whore and always joked that I could never be vegetarian, so I'm testing the waters with baby steps of vegetarianism. That's my Lent, hopefully I'll make it through cheat free.

Here is two good tunes for you folking folk kids out their. Lord Huron is a newbie for me but Deer Tick is top 3 when it comes to bands for me and this song Mange is off their latest album Black Dirt Sessions..I bought it this morning. I also bought the newest Blitzen Trapper album this morning, once I give a couple good listens I'll throw up some of my favs for ya.

And for the sake of posting art I'll show you a little pastel landscape I did. Not good by any means but I'm running low on images my work. Once break is up I'm going to scan a lot of work. But I've been relying on high school stuff such as this. I was just having fun with it as you will be able to tell.


BTW: I've been scoring some hits on this blog from all over the world, which I think is amazing. True they could just click on something by accident but I like to believe they are checking out art and some killer tunes. I want to send out an invitation to comment on anything...let it be silly or in another language. This whole blog thing is very one way. I post what I want and then I do it again, etc. Kind of boring...so leave comments, ask questions, critique the work, or do whatever. I think it would be awesome to do my posty thingy then answer questions and such. But Hey its all whateves on this end, I'm really pumped that Sweden checked out my site 6 times today and yesterday Latvia and Singapore was getting their dose of chill.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Subliminal, Art lesson, and yeah yeah!

So here is something that us art kids can appreciate, if you listen to the lyrics there is somewhat of a subliminal formal art lesson. I picked up on a couple topics like color, line, depth and space. Plus the song is just plain awesome.

More printmaking. Here is an image I created by building up a plate with masking tape and glue, and then running it through the press. Not to exciting, but scored me an A, yeah yeah!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ear holes, Metric, and another Self Portrait

Let this in your ear holes and let it bounce around on the inside of your head, like a kid on Ritalin in a blowup bouncy thingy. Love the Metric and Death to the Throne has done a great job with the remix. Enjoy.

Here is another self portrait done for my printmaking class in 2008. I used screen filler on the silk screen to create the different layers of color. I thought my expression looked kind of douchey so its not one of my favorites. Plus the screen had something in it that wasn't cleaned from the last time someone used it. You can tell if you look at the right side of my hair. But all in all it was a learning experience and I do believe the colors work nice together, so there's one thing.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fleet Foxes,Mary Wallace, and cool old art supplies!

Great Fleet Foxes tune...really soothing to the brain. But it will make you think, as do most of the Fleet Foxes songs.

Mary Wallace was my neighbor for around 17 years, she died at age 100 in 2008. I was away at Wise but fortunately a was in for the funeral. Mary was the chillest neighbor, as kids she would give us candy anytime we knocked on the door. We would always be polite about it but my brothers and I would knock on that poor woman's door all the time. In 2005 I thought I would do something for her and settled on completing this pen and ink of her home. She loved it and had it hanging in her home till her death. It won the Russell County Fair art contest for pen & ink that year. After she died I received a lot of her old art supplies, I have used tracing paper from the early 70's for everything I have done up here in JC. Also got an easel which I still use, and an amazing artist chair that is pretty much a treasure case full of art supplies. Books that I think are all older than my parents, paints, brushes, palettes, charcoal, and some great palette knives. All of these have came in handy in all my projects here at ETSU. Now the piece is prominently on display in my apartment. R.I.P. Mary

SPRING BREAK!, Dubby wubby, and Stockin' da' Fridge!

SPRINGGG BBBREAK!!! I'm so pumped to do nothing for a whole week! Totally just chilling out all break. Started celebrating around 2pm yesterday, and I was gone by 8. But being all sloppy and silly is how I like to bring in the spring break. Weather aint to bad either, on and off rain but temperature should be 50's and up, so thats nice.

And since it is Spring Break the only appropriate thing is some Dubby wubby , Yeah yeah!

I'm taking a break from posting art. This is a pic of the beginning of my last break. Probably the chillest weekend I have ever experienced. A bunch of us cool kids rented a cabin in G-burg and had a hell of a time. We kept it going for 3 days straight, here I was just about half way done stocking the fridge

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Creeped Out, Pumped Up, and Stop Signs!

Feeling a little creeped out, kind of off putting and yet still pumps you up. Thats what this video successfully  does.  I love it when you have a fantastically crafted song and a simple but hard hitting visual to go along with it. Esben and the Witch have such a sound that is true to them that really puts a mood out there, but the video really rocks your world. Very cool though, I'd listen to the song first without the video then watch...makes it even that much chill!

Here is the first project I did in my Computer Art class(for which this blog was created for). The printing process was relatively new to me and I went to kinkos. It came out a bit dark but was still readable as far as all the information I put in. The assignment was to collect some objects each specifically, such as a picture needing fixing, something with an allure color, an ad for a place you've never been and so on with a few more. This was the first time I've used photoshop to create art but I feel it turned out quite nice, and I know I like it. Really like the stop signs, that's my favorite aspect. It has a hint of the surreal but what makes me so pleased is that it's meaning can really mean different things for different people. I know what it means to me but I don't want to ruin it for you out there.