Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lent, Folking Folk, and Whateves

Hey y'all, Happy Lent! I was raised Catholic and still practice lent. I have always given up candy, that was the one the parents pushed, but now a days I don't eat any candy except the candy my mom gives me once or twice a semester....ironic huh. So, candy will be easy. I'm also giving up pop, this one will be hard but I really need to cut it out...soda is so bad for you yet so delicious. I didn't drink any on fat Tuesday, but now I'm craving me a Sun Drop, hardcore...guess I'll wait till Patty's day to guzzle down a 12 pack. I don't know if it is a Catholic thing or my family's thing but on St. Patty's we count it as a freebie and cheat on whatever we gave up. Religion is a funny thing. Okay, I'm also cutting out red meat, really this is just to see if I can do it. I'm a meat whore and always joked that I could never be vegetarian, so I'm testing the waters with baby steps of vegetarianism. That's my Lent, hopefully I'll make it through cheat free.

Here is two good tunes for you folking folk kids out their. Lord Huron is a newbie for me but Deer Tick is top 3 when it comes to bands for me and this song Mange is off their latest album Black Dirt Sessions..I bought it this morning. I also bought the newest Blitzen Trapper album this morning, once I give a couple good listens I'll throw up some of my favs for ya.

And for the sake of posting art I'll show you a little pastel landscape I did. Not good by any means but I'm running low on images my work. Once break is up I'm going to scan a lot of work. But I've been relying on high school stuff such as this. I was just having fun with it as you will be able to tell.


BTW: I've been scoring some hits on this blog from all over the world, which I think is amazing. True they could just click on something by accident but I like to believe they are checking out art and some killer tunes. I want to send out an invitation to comment on anything...let it be silly or in another language. This whole blog thing is very one way. I post what I want and then I do it again, etc. Kind of leave comments, ask questions, critique the work, or do whatever. I think it would be awesome to do my posty thingy then answer questions and such. But Hey its all whateves on this end, I'm really pumped that Sweden checked out my site 6 times today and yesterday Latvia and Singapore was getting their dose of chill.

1 comment:

  1. I was cutting off chocolate and soda for awhile, just to see if I could do it do! And I could! (=
    Just loved the tunes! Take care!
    Best wishes from Brasil! =D
