Sunday, March 6, 2011

Fleet Foxes,Mary Wallace, and cool old art supplies!

Great Fleet Foxes tune...really soothing to the brain. But it will make you think, as do most of the Fleet Foxes songs.

Mary Wallace was my neighbor for around 17 years, she died at age 100 in 2008. I was away at Wise but fortunately a was in for the funeral. Mary was the chillest neighbor, as kids she would give us candy anytime we knocked on the door. We would always be polite about it but my brothers and I would knock on that poor woman's door all the time. In 2005 I thought I would do something for her and settled on completing this pen and ink of her home. She loved it and had it hanging in her home till her death. It won the Russell County Fair art contest for pen & ink that year. After she died I received a lot of her old art supplies, I have used tracing paper from the early 70's for everything I have done up here in JC. Also got an easel which I still use, and an amazing artist chair that is pretty much a treasure case full of art supplies. Books that I think are all older than my parents, paints, brushes, palettes, charcoal, and some great palette knives. All of these have came in handy in all my projects here at ETSU. Now the piece is prominently on display in my apartment. R.I.P. Mary

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