Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Blahs and Remixes

Got me a bad case of the blahs today. The snow ain't helping much either. Walking to campus today it seemed everyone was bummed. Maybe it's just me but even the cars seemed to be driving slower, which was nice because I didn't have to dodge any speed demons at the cross walk. But anywho, I actually don't have class today which is pretty sweet. I still have to stay on campus though due to work. I'm sure I'll survive though.

Got me a real chill tune today. It's more of a gentle jam but I enjoy the crap out of it. It's a remix of Active Child's song Wilderness by Houses. I got the last Houses album All Night and it was pretty good, and just recently discovered Active Child (especially the song I'm in your Church at Night, which is killer) but I like everything I hear so far. Plus I'm a sucker for a good remix, its like hearing a different perspective.

Hope I shake the blahs and hope you have a good day!

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