Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Starfield, Self Portraits and Creepy

 Today's song is Starfield by The New Division. Its a very subtle, gentle song that just seems to get me going. Enjoy...

I took a printmaking class during my first semester in college in 2008. I was at UVA-Wise on a cross-country scholarship and only ended up staying for that semester before transferring to SWCC. Ray Stratton taught the course and was a great teacher, not to mention a great artist. We touched base on many different methods of printmaking but after a simple demo on stencils I created a self portrait screen print out of four stencils. I liked the look and effect you can get using a stencil. Almost all my art since has been made through this method.
Self Portrait, Screen Print, 2008

Here is a self portrait that wasn't influenced by and assignment or teachers but rather I simply had fun with it. I worked from a photo I took of my self one Christmas when my dad laid his camera beside me. I was just goofing off but when I found the picture later I thought I would do something with it. I personally like it and it is my favorite self portrait. I have it placed in my apartment so when you come through my front door you immediately see my face look down at you from the opposite wall. More people tell me it is creepy than cool so I'm considering putting up the other five editions throughout my apartment, that'll really creep 'em out. 

Self portrait, Spray Paint, 2009

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