Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Yellow Wings, ArtIfact and Peace Bombs

The jam of the day is Yellow Wings by Keepaway. I found out about this through the KEXP podcast and it is soooo good. I've had this on my computer for a little over a week and I'm up to 80 plays not counting my ipod, it just doesn't get old. It's really just a positive song that is uber up beat. 

Also I'd like to share one of my works of art. It is a done using a stencil and I sprayed it on cardboard that I covered in newspaper. It was in the 2010 ArtIfact show at the Appalachian Arts Center in Richlands, Virginia. I had four pieces in the group show consisting of four artist. This is also the first piece that I sold. All my work int the show shared the them of political irony and current events. I will post more work from the show as I gather the photos. I tried to play with the newspaper in each of the pieces to add some personality to the work rather than having just an image on paper. In this piece I thought of the act of bombing and I placed the newspaper randomly on the cardboard. This work perfectly in giving this work a chaotic feel.
"Peace Bombs", spray paint

This is another piece from the ArtIfact show. I really tried to explore different avenues in which I could manipulate the newspaper and use it in a way the reinforces the image itself. I simply angled the clean cut strips to accent the arm of my pie guy. Again, I was playing with the theme of political irony and current event, but there is definitely a level of humor that can always be found in my work.
"Just Dessert", spray paint

I tried to create a piece with a more obvious message and I believe the message is there in an ironic way. I personally believe the fact people are in jail because of marijuana is ridiculous. Living in a rural southwest Virginia town for most of my life I've seen first hand the effects of Oxycontin and meth on people and the community. Yet we have government paid agent busting descent people for pot instead of  working to help people and communities who are actually being hurt by real drugs. I simply was sticking it to the man in my own little way with this piece. I positioned the newspaper so that it radiated from the bong, giving the piece an ever more clear focal point.
"Bong Hits for Authority", spray paint and acrylic 

This was the second piece I sold which I actually did on my on outside the gallery. Again, I play with the idea of authority and do it in another humorous way. I placed the cut strips of newspaper vertically to make the figure seem more daunting.   
"Stylish Intimidation" Spray Paint

1 comment:

  1. This is one of my fav, no doubt at all. Brasil loves your art!
