Thursday, February 3, 2011

First Post Yo

Hi, my name is Spenser but you can call me Spenser and this is my blog, my first blog. And this is my first post. I'm starting this because of my Computer Art class. Although this is a requirement to better my web presence in this online world especially as an artist, I really would like to embrace the idea of sharing my thoughts and ideas.

I am a definite newbie at the blog game. I do use Facebook but I am slowly but surely learning to despise it. It started out as a fun way to connect with friends and now it seems to be a substitute for real life. I hope I don't get sucked into extreme blogging but I sure am going to dive right into it.

As of right now my plan is to post something at least once a day. I enjoy many aspects of life and hope to share what is really at the front of my brain when I sit down to post.

I guess this post covers me for today, Later

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