Saturday, February 26, 2011

Pepto, Free Translator, and the Farmer

I ate so much last night. I came back home and I guess I didn't realize how much food is always in my parents house. As soon as I got here I got a hold of some homemade fried rice which I ate like 2 plates of. My mom decided to buy like 4 or 5 boxes of girl scout cookies which I got through 2 of those boxes last night. Plus They gave me 20 bucks which my brother and I quickly spent on pizza and lasagna. I went to sleep with a crazy full belly which was kind of awesome, but pepto was definitely in order this morning.

Here is a nice wholesome tune to start your day. The Books are definitely out there and they are probably one of the most interesting groups I've had the privilege of listening to. This song is just nice, that's the only way I can put it, really nice. Free Translator by the The Books

Taking it back to 2006 with this pen and ink. I think I started thinking on an artist level long before I started pursuing art as a career. I grew up in Lebanon which is a tiny southwestern Virginia town and I definitely had a feel for what the town enjoyed to look at. My art teacher wasn't very different. So in 10th grade I pound out this pen and ink of a farmer, featuring a tractor and everyone kind of went ape shit about it. I did work hard on it and I like it myself but shew-wee, the high school and town really bought into it. It was entered into the county art contest which included art from Lebanon High, Castlewood High, and Honaker High. I hated how the contest was ran though, only one entry per student and only one work per medium. So I got entered with my pen and ink, but this meant no one else from my school could be entered for their pen and ink which I thought was ridiculous considering we had some great work that was just excluded. But this piece won the pen and ink medium, overall winner for LHS and the county. I was pretty stoked about all that but who knows if I still would have won with all the other work in the contest. But I really base a lot the success of this work on content, my area really likes farming( which is funny considering the image depicts a farmer in the midwest, I didn't tell them that back then though). Also this piece really opened the door for my work with stencils 2 years later. I really played with the 2 values here and it does have a stencil feel to it until you look at the rough texture of the fields.
pen & ink, 8 1/2" x 11", 2006

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