Sunday, February 27, 2011

TECHNO!, Barbra Streisand and shacks

TECHNO! Yes I'm a fan. Always had a little thing for the electronic. Here is a cool jam but the video will send you a curve ball. As it end everyone I had show this to has said something along the lines of "Haha, No way!" or "Totally didn't see that coming". Either way its a fun time or at least looked like one. 

Plus...a little Duck Sauce....Barbra Streisand, this is awesome!

Here is another pen & ink from 2006, about two months after my tractor guy. It won the Russell County Fair Art Contest pen & ink for my age group that year. I was really proud of this one because it was done outside of school and didn't need a teacher to get it done. I went out to where the new CGI build is today, there used to be just farm land up there and it was where I played as a kid all the time. But when developing started to begin they cleared a lot of the land. You began to start to see into the woods and there was a few old shacks still standing back there. They are everywhere around Lebanon. But this one was like a gem, it really stood out to me and I grabbed a picture with my dad's camera and did this. Everything was overgrown, you could really tell how the forest gobbled up these little houses over the years. Really cool back there, during the XC years up to 08, I would run back there but now the shacks have been torn down. Bums me out a bit seems like a bit of history to me but just trash to others.

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