Friday, February 4, 2011

Downtown, blogs and Jam

TGIF! Kudos world, you made it another week. This is post two and today I'm not sure what to say. I just woke up and maybe thats why. I do have a pretty cool day ahead of me though. Only have one class, then I have an art show tonight along with other students, and since I'll be downtown anyway I think I'll just stay there all night.

Been thinking about this whole blog thing and I figure I'll incorporate a little bit of structure by posting certain things everyday. I'm a music lover like most the world and I always have one song I'm really feeling on my ipod everyday that I just wear out by playing it over and over. So, I'll share with the world what my jam is.
It's mega chill tune by Washed Out that really sets a great vibe. Its a little older but I'm going to be rocking it today for sure.

I think I'll come up with some more nifty things to post everyday later. I think I'm going chow down and head out, peace.

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