Friday, February 25, 2011

Waking up, Oi Ju and Splatter Painting!

 I just woke up and its 7 am right now. I feel like I should start being a little more specific because I noticed I had a hit from Germany yesterday. I feel if I'm going to talk about the time and what not, I'll add the details for my new friends in completely different time zones. So whoever you are you win a prize for being my first European. Hopefully you liked what you saw and will eventually be back to read this but you could have accidentally stumbled upon this blog never to return again, if so I'm whateves about it. I've got another couple hits from Brazil, but I know who that is..Oi Ju, manter as coisas frio no Brasil. cerveja é boa! And then 2 hits from Canada, I really hope its Wayne Gretzky. 

Feeling deep, me too. This is a great song and it is very deep, you may recognize it as being in the movie Little Miss Sunshine. Which, by the way, is a great movie. This song always makes me think, and therefore its a great one in my book. DeVotchka is a great band I recommend checking out their other stuff.

This is my attempted at splatter painting at the request of my mother in 2009. She got me this huge canvas that is around 5 X 3 ft and asked for something that would match the furniture in the living room. I'm not much of a painter and after staring at this thing for about a year and started throwing paint on it. I wasn't completely reckless and can honestly say that I placed certain splatters and most of the work was not an accident. My mom loved the piece and it is still in their living room so that makes this a success for me. 

5x3ft, Acrylic, 2009

1 comment:

  1. Oi, Spenser! Cerveja is really boa here, indeed! hahahah! We love your art, man! (=
