Here is my work that was nominated for the ETSU Footings Exhibit. The first two, my Uncle Sam and "Personally Confused" were featured in the show where as the others were just shown on the
Color Theory Project, Beer Boxes, 24"x 24"
This piece took me longer to complete than anything else in the fall semester. Took me 32 hours total and I had a lot of fun with. I used the cardboard from 1 six pack of Budweiser, 2 Bud Light cases, 1 case of Natty, another 18 case of Natty and it took around 8 large glue sticks to attatch all the pieces. The project was a lot of hard work but I really like the result. This project really got some things rolling in my head so hopefully I can produce more work feature collage and such.
"Personally Confused" Spray Paint and Acrylic, 22"x 30"
This piece was also selected to be in the gallery. Originally this started out as a sketch based off of a photo of myself at age 3 that I did because I was simply bored. It stayed in my sketchbook until I had an opportunity to modify it a bit to fit the criteria of a 2D Design class. I made a single stencil which I sprayed, then I went in and painted some details and highlights. I added black border and allowed a level of overspray to get the hazy effect. We had to represent two sides of our personality. If you haven't already guess I modified the original by adding more bubbles and by adding imagery in the bubbles. I was trying to represent my more positive, friendly etc. side through the self portrait of me as a child. The images in the bubbles depict political issues and worries that have occurred and are occurring right now that always seem to make it into my brain. I find myself thinking about the world around me and what is happening in it and some of the stuff happening is crazy, hypocritical and in most cases confusing.

"Keep an Open Mind" Spray Paint, 22"x 30"
"Keep an Open Mind" was a 2D project in which we had to depict a personal survival kit. I had a hard time coming up with a concept but got there eventually. On the left side of the image is a collection of art supplies and past art works that I've completed. On the right is my more entertainment side of life with my N64, ipod, frisbee and many more things. In the middle is myself with my backed turned. Im wearing a shirt and a beanie my dad gave me, and both are my favorite clothing possessions. My head is open and a hand wielding a flashlight is seen popping out. Basically I spit the survival kit in two, showing on the left my art and on the right my entertainment, both of which I would have to survive without. In the middle is me an the open white space is simply my insight or thought process, which I consider necessary to survive. To play into the concept and the appearance of the work. I inverted the colors of some objects. For instance, the shirt in real life is black with white stripes. I play with this I little bit more when I placed some objects overlapping the white space.

"Soft Spill" Pipe Cleaners
I made a wire frame for Soft Spill and then wrapped the structure with pipe cleaners. It was for my 3D Design class and it the first representational 3D piece that I've ever done. I though it would be that easy starting out. This project gave me so many problems and I was able to work them out but probably could have gone about it differently. I'm embarrassed to say how much I spent on pipe cleaners alone for this. Once I got so far into it I felt like I could just start over or scrape it so I kept going back to the store to get more. I bought out both of the Walmart's stash of blue, gray, tan, and white pipe cleaners about 1/3 of the way into this project. I ended up clearing out most of Michael's supply by the end of it too.
Hi, I would Like you to meet SHARKPLANE! I made him out of wire for my 3D class. Are you scared of sharks in the water? Try sharks in the air! I had a lot of fun making this but it will be a while before I work with wire again.